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How Do I Cancel My Booking?

If you need to cancel your booking with Blessly LLC, follow these straightforward steps:

Phone or Online Cancellation: You can cancel your booking by contacting our customer service team at +1 (412) 287-1406 during our operating hours, or by logging into your profile on our website and navigating to the booking details where you can cancel.

Unable to get what you need?

Send us an email, and we’ll respond as soon as we can. 

Make an online service reservation.

You can book your same day appointment online

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Blessly LLC
322 N Shore Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212

Your Information safety

How do we handle your informations:

Blessly LLC
322 N Shore Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212

Our Payment Modalities

The following are our payment modalities

Blessly LLC
322 N Shore Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212

Our service locations

Our Services are located at

Blessly LLC
322 N Shore Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15212